By Liezelle Soriano

MANILA — Albay First District Rep. Edcel Lagman announced that the House-approved divorce bill has been transmitted to the Senate.

“The absolute divorce bill under House Bill No. 9349, entitled ‘An Act Reinstituting Absolute Divorce as an Alternative Mode for the Dissolution of Marriage,’ which was approved on third and final reading on May 22, 2024, by the House of Representatives, was finally transmitted to the Senate in a letter dated June 10, 2024, from House Secretary General Reginald S. Velasco to Senate President Francis ‘Chiz’ G. Escudero,” said Lagman, the bill’s author.

“This means that the transmittal to the Senate will not wait for the House plenary action when sessions resume on July 22, 2024, as previously announced by Velasco,” Lagman added.

Previously, Velasco mentioned that the number of votes for the bill needed correction. He stated that the correct tally was 131-109.

The House Secretary General indicated that the corrected vote count would be announced during the plenary session.
