By Liezelle Soriano

MANILA — President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. signed the expanded Centenarian Act, Republic Act No. 11982, on Monday (26 Feb 2024), which will provide a P10,000 cash gift to individuals aged 80, 85, 90, and 95 years old.

Under this legislation, Filipino citizens who reach the remarkable age of 100 will receive a P100,000 cash gift.

“The expansion of the Centenarians Act is a testament to the Filipino spirit of compassion, as in our culture, few are held in higher regard and showered with more love and care than our elderly,” Marcos expressed.

“We owe a debt of gratitude to these pillars of our society. Yet, they deserve more than mere financial assistance. What they truly need is a comprehensive support system that every society owes to its aging population.”

The expanded coverage of the law was approved by Congress in December 2023.

(el Amigo/MNM)