By Liezelle Soriano

President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. stated that he was aware of the recent leadership change in the Senate, which resulted in the ousting of former Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri.

“When did I know? The minute they started,” Marcos said.

“Actually, it was Senator Chiz. The minute he started thinking about it, he brought it up, saying, ‘I think I’m going to try to lead the SP,'” he added.

Marcos clarified that he had nothing to do with the leadership change, noting that he hadn’t spoken with former SP Zubiri about the issue.

The President explained that he did not speak to any parties involved because he was out of town.

He pointed out that he received the news about Escudero assuming Senate leadership upon his return to Manila from the trip.

When asked if he still trusts Zubiri, the President responded affirmatively.

“It was a decision made by the senators,” Marcos said.

“So, that does not reflect my view of Senator Migz or the trust and confidence that I have in him.”

(el Amigo/MNM)