By Junex Doronio

MANILA — Short of saying that she shouldn’t sow intrigues, Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri has sharply rebuked Senator Imee Marcos, saying she was only “misinformed” regarding the absence of American legislators at the 31st annual meeting of the Asia Pacific Parliamentary Forum (APPF) held in Manila last week.

The senator from Ilocos Norte who is rumored to be the vice presidential teammate of the country’s vice president from Davao City in 2028 took notice of the absence of the US lawmakers at the APPF, a forum of around 300 lawmakers from Asia Pacific countries from November 23 to 25, held at the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC) and hosted by the Philippines.

On November 24, she asked if there was some failure of coordination which ultimately led to the American legislators’ absence.

“I think Senator Imee was misinformed. We invited the speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States and also the senators to come. It’s unfortunate na yung timing lang po is that it is Thanksgiving (In America),” Zubiri said In a press briefing before the APPF closing ceremony on Saturday, November 25.

The Senate President added that US Senators Rick Scott and Marco Rubio wrote to him expressing their regrets for missing the APPF.

“It doesn’t have something to do with politics. They wanted to come because of course they consider themselves as allies of the Philippines. It’s just the timing. So let’s not put any political color,” Zubiri said.
