By Liezelle Soriano

MANILA — The Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA) reminded the public that the use of drones within a 10-kilometer aerodrome radius of Ninoy Aquino International Airport is prohibited following the reports it received of unauthorized drone activities.

The MIAA advised all drone operators that they must be aware of and follow all relevant restrictions set by the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP).

“Operating drones within this restricted radius without proper authorization poses significant safety risks, including potential collisions with aircraft, which can result in severe damage and endanger lives,” MIAA said.

“Non-compliance with CAAP drone operation regulations may result in serious legal consequences, including substantial fines and imprisonment,” it added.

According to MIAA, there were ten recorded sightings of unlicensed drone operations in 2023 and four reported in the first quarter of 2024.

It also encouraged the public to report any suspicious drone activities within a set radius to the nearest local authorities in your area, saying that public vigilance is crucial to maintaining the safety and security of the airspace.

(el Amigo/mnm)