MANILA– Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) head Romando Arteson Thursday addressed the suspension of Task Force Special Operations Unit Head Col. Bong Nebrija, attributing it to the mistakes committed by the officer.

Artes emphasized that the decision to suspend Nebrija was not influenced by any political pressure.

“I would like to clarify that the suspension is not due to political pressure or any external influence but because Col. Bong Nebrija made a mistake,” Artes asserted.

Highlighting the specific errors made by Nebrija, Artes underlined that the suspension was not a result of political interference.

He further mentioned that Nebrija should refrain from disclosing the identities of those apprehended, citing privacy concerns.

Artes outlined the issues at hand, stating, “Firstly, the announcement by Bong Nebrija that two individuals were apprehended is fake news.

Secondly, he overlooked a crucial aspect by mentioning a policy within the agency that supposedly allows courtesy to Congressmen or Senators when using the bus carousel.

This is incorrect because, as the MMDA leadership insists, only the exemptions granted by the Department of Transportation for the bus carousel should be observed.”

The controversy arose when Nebrija alleged that Senator Ramon “Bong” Revilla utilized the special bus lane on EDSA, an accusation promptly denied by Revilla.

The MMDA’s clarification seeks to address the public discourse surrounding Nebrija’s suspension, firmly establishing that it is rooted in the officer’s actions rather than any external pressures.