By Liezelle Soriano

MANILA — The Office of the Vice President confirmed on Wednesday (July 24, 2024) that the Chief of the Philippine National Police (PNP) has issued an order relieving all 75 PNP Police and Security Group personnel previously assigned to Vice President Sara Duterte-Carpio.

Despite this, Vice President Duterte-Carpio assured the public that the order would “not affect my work in the Office of the Vice President.”

“Our work will continue to deliver services to our fellow citizens, especially in remote or underserved communities in our country,” the statement read.

“I do hope, however, that with this latest directive from the Chief PNP, we hear fewer cries from the people regarding the proliferation of drugs in the country, and that even fewer shall fall victim to various criminal activities,” it added.

The PNP has yet to state the matter.

(El Amigo/mnm)