By Liza Soriano

MANILA — Senator Robin Padilla is calling for an investigation into the increased construction costs of the New Senate Building in Taguig City, emphasizing the importance of maintaining the public’s trust in the Senate.

On Thursday (04 July 2024), Padilla filed Senate Resolution 1063, directing his Senate Committee on Public Information and Mass Media to “investigate in aid of legislation.”

“Informing the public about the processes undertaken in the construction of the NSB, including the increased costs, is necessary to ensure that the public does not lose its trust in the Senate as an institution,” he stated.

“There is a need to let the public know about the partner contractors if any, and subcontractors of Hilmarc’s Construction Corp.,” he added.

Padilla noted that Senate President Chiz Escudero had tasked Sen. Alan Peter Cayetano, chairman of the Committee on Accounts, with reviewing the costs of the NSB, which have reportedly increased to P23 billion from an initial P8.9 billion.

It is worth recalling that Sen. Nancy Binay and Sen. Alan Peter Cayetano had a heated exchange during a hearing on the NSB, in which Padilla was also present.

(el Amigo/mnm)