The Supreme Court (SC) has officially released the comprehensive Examplify Manual for the upcoming 2023 Bar Examinations.

The manual is now accessible on the high court’s microsite, providing essential instructions, information, and helpful tips to assist candidates in utilizing and navigating Examplify effectively.

Among the topics covered in the manual are guidelines on customizing the default font, the process of taking the examination using Examplify, and how to successfully submit the completed examination.

Furthermore, the manual contains additional reminders and outlines the policy regarding the use of laptops during exams.

Examinees are strongly advised to thoroughly read and adhere to the instructions presented in Bar Bulletin No. 5, Series of 2023, which was previously issued.

Following these instructions is crucial as it ensures candidates gain practical insights and minimize any potential difficulties during the examination process.

For those interested, the Examplify Manual can be accessed at the following link: []. (AI/MNM)