MANILA — The Supreme Court has upheld the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority’s (MMDA) Single Ticketing System (STS), effectively barring local government units (LGUs) in Metro Manila from issuing their traffic violation tickets.

In a decision authored by Associate Justice Alfredo Benjamin Caguioa and dated July 11, 2023, but only made public this week, the Court declared invalid the ordinances of 15 Metro Manila LGUs that permitted them to issue traffic violation tickets and ordinance violation receipts, as well as confiscate licenses of erring motorists.

However, the Court clarified that other local ordinances remain valid and unaffected by this ruling. It emphasized that the autonomy of LGUs is safeguarded by the structure of the MMDA as established by the MMDA Law.

The directive mandates LGUs to adhere to the STS, which standardizes and harmonizes fines and penalties for common traffic violations across the National Capital Region. Covering both major and secondary thoroughfares within Metro Manila’s jurisdictional bounds, the STS aims to streamline the enforcement of traffic regulations.

The decision resolves a petition filed by drivers and operators of public utility vehicles on December 21, 2006. The petition challenged the ticketing system of the 15 LGUs, arguing that their traffic code provisions contravene sections 29 and 62 of the Land Transportation Office law, which grants authority to the agency to confiscate driver’s licenses and issue prescribed receipts for violations of local traffic rules and regulations.

(el Amigo/MNM)