By Junex Doronio

MANILA – Four years ahead of the presidential elections, the much-touted frontrunner Vice President Sara Duterte has seen her satisfaction rating drop to +44 as of June 2024, while Senate President Francis “Chiz” Escudero has surged ahead with a +47 satisfaction rating.

This was revealed in the latest non-commissioned survey conducted by Social Weather Stations (SWS) from June 23 to July 1, 2024.

The survey showed VP Sara with a +44 net satisfaction rating (65% satisfied, 21% dissatisfied), marking a 19-point decline from her +63 rating in March 2024.

Meanwhile, Escudero, who was elected Senate President on May 20 and is considered a potential presidential candidate, received a +47 satisfaction rating.

Another potential “presidentiable,” Speaker Martin Romualdez, garnered only +29.

According to the SWS terminology for net satisfaction ratings: +70 and above is classified as “excellent”; +50 to +69, “very good”; +30 to +49, “good”; +10 to +29, “moderate”; +9 to -9, “neutral”; -10 to -29, “poor”; -30 to -49, “bad”; -50 to -69, “very bad”; and -70 and below, “execrable.”

The SWS Second Quarter 2024 survey was conducted through face-to-face interviews with 1,500 adults (18 years and older) nationwide: 600 in Balance Luzon (Luzon outside Metro Manila), and 300 each in Metro Manila, the Visayas, and Mindanao.
