By Junex Doronio

MANILA – Defense Secretary Gilberto “Gibo” Teodoro Jr. emphasized the need for new legislation to enhance the country’s defense capabilities, especially in light of China’s aggression in the West Philippine Sea.

On Thursday (29 Aug 2024), Teodoro pointed out that existing laws on external loans limit defense acquisitions to only $300 million.

During a congressional budget hearing, Teodoro revealed that the Philippines has begun soliciting offers to procure 40 new multi-role fighter aircraft to strengthen its territorial defense.

“For example, acquiring just a dozen multi-role fighters will not make any significant difference. The minimum we need is 36 aircraft, which constitutes only a squadron and a half but would be credible. Plus, we need four in reserve because an 80 percent service rate is a good standard,” Teodoro explained.

He informed lawmakers that bidders must submit a proposed financing package that allows for payment to be spread out.

However, the defense chief noted that the General Appropriations Act (GAA) budget alone would not be sufficient to fund military modernization projects.

“Until we find those kinds of creative financing solutions, we have to work within the confines of the revised AFP modernization program,” Teodoro added.
