By Liza Soriano

MANILA — Senator Joel Villanueva emphasized the critical role of educators in shaping the nation’s future, stating that the Philippines needs not just good teachers, but exceptional ones.

“If we want this country to become truly great, we must focus on nurturing outstanding teachers,” Villanueva remarked during the 116th Commencement Exercises at the Philippine Normal University.

“There is greatness in every Filipino. There is greatness in teaching. With 1.2 million Filipino teachers, we have a force to reckon with—a force that can make our country great again,” he added.

Villanueva also voiced concerns about the state of Philippine education, emphasizing its significance to the country’s long-term prosperity.

As a Commissioner on the Second Congressional Commission on Education (EDCOM2), Villanueva is pushing for substantial reforms aimed at enhancing the quality of teacher education and training.

“Research shows that the number one school-based factor in improving student success is a great teacher,” Villanueva stressed. “We can cultivate great teachers by raising the quality of programs that train them to teach,” the senator concluded.
