By Liezelle Soriano

MANILA — Former Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri has expressed his opposition to divorce, emphasizing his stance as a “conservative lawmaker” and his support for family unity.

“I frown on any bills that will separate our families. We don’t want to be like Las Vegas weddings—suddenly, right? We get married today, and if we don’t want it, we separate next month. That’s not right,” Zubiri said when asked about his position on the divorce bill.

“I think we should study it to make sure we don’t end up like other countries where the family is very dysfunctional,” he added.

Senator Cynthia Villar also opposes the divorce bill, saying she was surprised that the House of Representatives approved the proposed Absolute Divorce Act on the third and final reading.

“But as for me, everyone knows I have a very happy family life, so I’m not in favor of divorce,” Villar said.

Meanwhile, Zubiri believes that the bill will be a conscience vote in the chamber.

(el Amigo/MNM)