By Junex Doronio

MANILA — Members of the House Quad Committee have filed a bill seeking to classify extrajudicial killings (EJKs) as heinous crimes, imposing severe penalties including life imprisonment or reclusion perpetua without the possibility of parole.

House Bill (HB) No. 10986, also known as the Anti-Extrajudicial Killing Act, defines EJKs as unlawful killings carried out by state agents or individuals acting with the acquiescence or tolerance of state authorities.

“Extrajudicial killing (EJK) refers to any killing other than those imposed by the State in accordance with the Constitution on heinous crimes or a deliberate and arbitrary killing of any person without prior judgment by a competent court, which upholds the judicial guarantees recognized as indispensable by civilized nations,” the bill states.

“It may be committed by a public officer, person in authority, agent of a person in authority, or any individual acting under the actual or apparent authority of the State,” it adds.

Filed last Monday, HB 10986 is authored by Senior Deputy Speaker Aurelio “Dong” Gonzales Jr., Deputy Speaker David “Jayjay” Suarez, and Quad Committee co-chairmen Reps. Robert Ace Barbers, Bienvenido “Benny” Abante, Dan Fernandez, and Stephen Joseph “Caraps” Paduano.

Other authors include Reps. Romeo Acop, Johnny Pimentel, Gerville “Jinky” Luistro, Rodge Gutierrez, Paolo Ortega, Jay Khonghun, and Jonathan Keith Flores.

The bill also provides for government compensation to the families of EJK victims, recognizing the injustices they have suffered, through the establishment of an Extrajudicial Killing Claims Board.
